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Found 3020 results for any of the keywords service medal. Time 0.007 seconds.
Giri Gupta QSM (Queen Service Medal)Giri Gupta, of Auckland, New Zealand received the Queen's Service Medal (QSM) for services to business and the Indian community.
Wesley Clark - WikipediaClark's divisional command came with the 1st Cavalry Division at Fort Hood, Texas. Clark was in command during three separate deployments of forces from Fort Hood for peacekeeping in Kuwait.
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Joseph P. Hoar - WikipediaOn September 7, 2004, Hoar and seven other retired officers wrote an open letter to President Bush expressing their concern over the number of allegations of abuse of prisoners in U.S. military custody. 9 In it they wr
Foxhole Medals | Australia s Finest Medal MountersFoxhole Medals is an Australian-owned operated company specialising in all things military civilian medals. Replica medals, restoration preservation of original awards, medal mounting services.
Foxhole Medals | Australia s Finest Medal MountersFoxhole Medals is an Australian-owned operated company specialising in all things military civilian medals. Replica medals, restoration preservation of original awards, medal mounting services.
Awardpedia | AwardsMinistry of Women and Child Development
Deceased Members 15th Med Bn AssociationDeceased members of the 15th Medical Battalion Association.
Underrepresented Minority Figures in STEMThis page servers to raise awareness and inspire STEM education and career advancement among underrepresented minorities. To do this I ve chosen to highlight a few note worthy individuals who have all made great contribu
Home | AwardsOpen From :14/09/2024 To 31/10/2024
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